Kaneyama Trade - Oshogatsu Festival

Four generations old, the Kaneyama Clan brings its wares across trade routes and festivals. Despite being a merchantile-based samurai clan of Doma, this does not limit them from sending a representative with their wares, or services, to ocassional celebrations. This ringing in of the new year is certainly no exception to this

As the stall is approached, a well-poised woman with a welcomng, calm smile bids you over. Deep hues of mixtured blues regards you with warmth, as the display of wooden, hand-sized dragon sculptures regards you with multi-coloured eyes and brilliant scales catching in the light of surrounding lanterns. Ranging from carvings of wood to stone, they all hold embers in their mouths - small fireshards embedded giving impressions of true winged scalekin having taken residence on her shelves

The board offered would display some options of picking your own dragon, ranging from its material to the combination of scales and even the colour of its eyes. All sharing the price of 30 gil/koban a piece, it seemned to be a quite low price given the craftsmanship...but perhaps such cheap prices could get their name out and around.[Pick 1 kind of material, up to 2 kinds of scales and 1 colour of eyes. All will have a red fireshard embedded in the mouth. You can mix and match the different options as you please]

Materials - [Choose 1]Type of Scales - --[Choose up to 2]Colour of Eyes - [Choose 1]
Birch (Light Wood)Black Snake ScalesEmerald Green
Cherry WoodRainbow Fish ScalesSapphire Blue
Dark OakSilver Shark SkinRuby Red
Light StoneRed Glass ScalesShimmering White
Dark StonePainted Wood ScalesGolden Yellow

Alongside any purchases, one can get a free cup of one of the clan's complimentary sake - in this case one called Greeting Dusk. The liquid is entirely clear with a faint shimmering of gold to the drink. Upon drinking an initial spike of floral scents will hit the nose before a pleasant, slow burn can be felt from the strong alcohol afterwards.